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Music Blogger

Music bloggers are writers that write up reviews on live music performances, song releases, albums, and music venues. Music bloggers help spread the word about up and coming venues, artists, and events in the music scene. 

Music bloggers can start of small. Music bloggers start out by building a platform on social media or on a website. The role crossover with music journalism and some successful bloggers have ended up creating critical reviews for music publications. 

Music bloggers can be creative with their formats, some record their reviews over video or podcast and some write up their reviews. Overall music bloggers target a niche and create a brand that gravitates audiences with those same music interests. Where the niche is based by genre, location or specific content. 

Music bloggers require the following skills: 

  • A strong passion for music
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Here are some resources to explore more!


