Starting Out
If you are just starting out, check out our tips and guides to help you make your first moves in the music scene.
How to get your First Gig as a Musician
Local promoter and music manager, Connor Williams from 333 presents has put together an informal guide for getting your first show.
Putting on your First Gig as a Promoter
Local promoter and music manager, Connor Williams from 333 presents has put together an informal guide for putting on your first show.
Amplifying Accessibility - Research Project
Rightkeysonly began Amplifying Accessibility, a 6-month project set on finding inclusive ways D/deaf, disabled, and neurodivergent individuals could progress their career in, what seemed like, a very able music industry.
How to Make the Perfect EPK
How to Make the Perfect Electronic Press Kit - Top 10 Tips from Connor Morgan.
The Importance of Access Riders
Rightkeysonly from Amplifying Accessibility talks about access riders and their importance of them as a creative in the scene.
Adapting Your Practice To Suit Your Needs
Rightkeysonly from Amplifying Accessibility talks about how to adapt your practice to fit your needs in the music industry.
How To Be An Able Ally in the Music Industry
Rightkeysonly from Amplifying Accessibility talks about how to support disabled creators in the music industry and how to be an able ally.
Top Tips & Tricks For Album Artwork
Local artist Fruit discusses his top tips & tricks about designing an album cover!
Get Paid Guide
Get Paid Guide, is exactly what it says on the tin. Find out about how money works as an artist, and how to get paid for your time and work.
More info here.
Joining the Performing Rights Society (PRS)
If you're beginning to gain momentum as a band, artist, composer or singer, it's time to have a look at joining the Performing Rights Society. If your streams are increasing and you’re getting airplay, consider signing up. The PRS website has an amazing guide that takes you through the sign up process step by step.
An Insight Into Artist Management
Like many things I do and have done in the world of working in music, I fell into the whole artist management thing with no intention of becoming a manager. This meant that I often learnt the hard way as I embarked on the journey. With this in mind, I thought it’d be handy for me to put together a rough guide of some of my top tips for anyone who might be thinking about the world of artist management.
An experience of the Sound and Music Summer School
Anthem Youth Forum 22 member Rey talks about their experience of the Sound and Music Summer School 2022.
How to record using Audacity
Bablu Shikdar shows you how to record your show using Audacity so you can send it to Radio Platfform!
BŴTS - Careers in Music
Ever wondered what it's like to have a career in the Welsh music industry? What are your options? Where do you start?
We've teamed up with Beacons on a video series that will begin to answer your questions.
How To Set Up a Linktree
Your social media profile only allows one link… unless you use Linktree!
Music Distribution Platforms (Free): A Guide
This blog will give you tips on some of the main music distribution platforms where you can get your music out on major streaming services for free.
Create Videos for Releases
Charlie J shares tips on creating videos using free Canva and DaVinci Resolve software.
Posting on Social Media
Charlie J brings you social media posting tips for Insta, Twitter and Facebook.
How to send content to Radio Platfform
Bablu Shikdar tells you how to send your music and audio to Radio Platfform!
Studying Music at University of South Wales
Shereef Ragab profiles music at University of South Wales.
He interviews Head of Music and Drama, Lucy Squire, and industry mentor, Kaptin Barrett.
Tips on Getting Gigs at Festivals
Download a PDF version of this resource here:
Amplify - stories about youth music in Wales
stories about youth music in Wales
Tips on Getting Gigs at Venues
Download the PDF version of this resource here:
Getting Started as a DJ
Tasha AKA Miss Kiff brings you 7 tips on getting started as a DJ.
Anthem. Music Fund Wales
This video introduces the Anthem Youth Forum 2021 who met across the year to discuss music for young people in Wales