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Resources tagged with: radio

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How to Make the Perfect EPK

How to Make the Perfect Electronic Press Kit - Top 10 Tips from Connor Morgan.

Time: 5min

Joining the Performing Rights Society (PRS)

If you're beginning to gain momentum as a band, artist, composer or singer, it's time to have a look at joining the Performing Rights Society. If your streams are increasing and you’re getting airplay, consider signing up. The PRS website has an amazing guide that takes you through the sign up process step by step.

Time: 10min

Amplify Episode 8 - Wales vs London - Vol 1: Musicians

In this mini series, our guest host explores career pro’s and con’s of moving to London over staying in Wales with a wide range of music industry professionals in Wales.

EPISODE 8 -  Wales vs London

Volume 1:  Musicians

Guest host Connor Morgans chats to Welsh musicians Izzy Rabey, Foxxglove + Caitlin Lavagna.

Time: 40min

How to record using Audacity

Bablu Shikdar shows you how to record your show using Audacity so you can send it to Radio Platfform! 

Time: 2min

BŴTS - Careers in Music

Ever wondered what it's like to have a career in the Welsh music industry? What are your options? Where do you start? 

We've teamed up with Beacons on a video series that will begin to answer your questions.


Time: 5min

How to send content to Radio Platfform

Bablu Shikdar tells you how to send your music and audio to Radio Platfform! 

Time: 1min

Music Distribution Platforms (Paid): A Guide

In this blog we’ll look in more detail at how four of the biggest paid distribution platforms operate and what to expect from each one. I’ve also included some tips on how to make best use of them.


Time: 6min